Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is committed to ensuring that equity, diversity, inclusion and justice are at the core of NHS leadership and the delivery of healthcare services and embedded into our way of working.

Power of one power of many, working together for equity and fairness

The Partnership’s equity and fairness strategy will help health and care partners focus on progressing equity, diversity, inclusion and justice. It will enable us to build on the positive work already happening with our partners and strengthen our collective commitment to advancing equity, diversity, inclusion and justice.

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is committed to ensuring that equity, diversity, inclusion and justice are at the core of NHS leadership and the delivery of healthcare services and embedded into our way of working.

We hope this strategy will make a difference to everyone who lives and works in West Yorkshire so they can access healthcare in the way that works best for them and can live a healthy life.

This strategy will help health and care partners focus on progressing equity, diversity, inclusion and justice. It will enable us to build on the positive work already happening with our partners and strengthen our collective commitment to advancing equity, diversity, inclusion and justice.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion at West Yorksire ICB

We see the diversity of all communities and colleagues as a strength to help inform the way we plan, design and commission health and care services for people living across West Yorkshire.

  • Equality is about making sure everyone is treated fairly and given an equal chance to access opportunities. It is not about treating everyone the same way. People may require different things to achieve similar outcomes.
  • Diversity means ‘difference’. When used in the same context as equality, it’s about recognising and valuing individual as well as group differences. It also means treating people as individuals and placing positive value on the diversity they bring because of a protected characteristic or cultural background.
  • Inclusion is about making all groups of people feel included and valued within their society or community. Where individuals or groups of individuals are excluded or feel on the margins of society there is often a direct impact on their health and wellbeing.

To make sure everyone can get the best out of health and care, we need to understand who our patients and service users are, and what their individual needs are, so when they access services, they get the right care and have the best possible experience.

We know health inequalities exist across West Yorkshire and that some patients, carers and services users have different access, experience and outcomes. We want to reduce those differences and remove them entirely where possible.

The NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board is the organisation with overarching statutory responsibility for assuring equality, diversity and inclusion in health and care commissioning and provision for West Yorkshire.