Our Board

Integrated care board
Our integrated care board will agree an annual plan to deliver the integrated care strategy, as agreed by the Partnership Board. Most of the decisions about spending and services will be made in local places in place-based partnerships.
Partnership Board
These local place-based strategies are based on the things that are most important to local people. They will be brought together into an integrated care strategy for West Yorkshire, which will be agreed by our Partnership Board. The board is chaired by Cllr Tim Swift. Cllr Swift has been a councillor in Calderdale for 16 years and is the deputy leader of the council.
We also have local and West Yorkshire public involvement activities. All people’s voices are important.
Who sits on the board of the integrated care board?

How we make decisions
Place-based partnerships
The groups that agree what is most important in each place are called Health and Wellbeing Boards. As happens now, the Health and Wellbeing Boards in each of our places – Bradford District and Craven, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds, and Wakefield – will agree a health and wellbeing strategy for their place.
Place-based integrated care board committees
Each place-based partnership will have an integrated care board committee to make decisions, similar to the NHS West Yorkshire Integrated Care Board. These committees will be made up of local health and care leaders, and they will also include independent people who do not work for health and care organisations.