West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership Logo

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership​

Across our area we have so much to be proud of but we also need to address some significant health challenges.

West Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership is an ‘Integrated Care System’. We work in partnership with NHS organisations, councils, Healthwatch, hospices, charities and the community voluntary and social enterprise sector to improve the health and wellbeing of local people living in our five local places:

Since our Partnership began in 2016, we have worked hard to build the relationships needed to deliver better health and care locally and across West Yorkshire so we can support people to improve their lives with them.

Engaging and communicating with partners, stakeholders and the public in the planning, design and delivery is essential if we are to get this right. Your voice matters to us so we have set out how we make sure we listen to your voice, and act on it.

You can read more about our Partnership and how we’re working together to improve the lives of the 2.4 million people in West Yorkshire in our West Yorkshire Integrated Care Strategy, published in March 2023.

Partnership Board

These local place-based strategies are based on the things that are most important to local people.  They will be brought together into an integrated care strategy for West Yorkshire, which will be agreed by our Partnership Board. The board is chaired by Cllr Tim Swift. Cllr Swift has been a councillor in Calderdale for 16 years and is the deputy leader of the council.

We also have local and West Yorkshire public involvement activities. All people’s voices are important.

Mission Reduce health inequalities Manage unwarranted variations in care Use our collective resources wisely Secure the wider benefits of investing in health and care Values We are ambitious for the people we serve and the staff we employ This is a true partnership We always agree the evidence and data, before taking action We value good governance to make good decisions and choices Subsidiarity applies in all we do Behaviours Decisions motivated by shared purpose Empathy with staff and people Collaboration in all we do Suspend egos in service of each other We see diversity as strength Conceptual and critical thinking Agility Willingness to share risk Sharing power Retaining accountability giving others authority